National Pancake Day

National Pancake Day Quick Facts in Canada

AKA NamePancake Tuesday, Pancake day, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday
HashtagsCompiled on#ShroveTuesday
Related Hashtags#Pancakes
2025 DateMarch 4, 2025
2026 DateFebruary 17, 2026

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) in

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Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) History

Shrove Tuesday, colloquially known as Pancake Day, celebrates a day of indulgence before the fasting and abstinence that characterizes Lent. In many cultures, including Canada, this indulgence manifests in the making and eating of pancakes. This happens due to the common practice of using up rich foods like eggs, milk, and sugar before the onset of the Lenten period.

Shrove Tuesday's roots date back to medieval times in Europe, and it came with British settlers to Canada. Its association with pancakes draws from the tradition of using up surplus ingredients before Lent. This observance's significance in Canada is multifaceted. It is a time for religious reflection for many, particularly adherents to the Christian faith. Moreover, it has a cultural significance as it provides an opportunity for culinary traditions to be passed down, and celebrations to be held within communities and families nationwide.

In Canada, various local customs accompany Shrove Tuesday. Some communities host pancake breakfasts or dinners at local schools, community centres, or churches. These events often serve as fundraisers or food drives for charitable organizations. Each year Canadians look forward to indulging in their homemade pancakes, marking the eve before Lent begins, and celebrating a tradition that carries both cultural and religious significance. This observance varies year by year as Shrove Tuesday's date depends on the date of Easter; however, it typically falls between February 3rd and March 9th.

Facts about National Pancake Day

  • According to National Geographic, the first recorded mentioned of pancakes came from a poem written in ancient Greece during 600 BC.
  • The word shrove is past tense of shrive, a verb meaning to confess and be absolved of sin.
  • Rich foods such as meats, fats, eggs, milk and sugar were restricted during Lent. Therefore, to use up all of the milk, eggs and sugar, pancakes were made and have since become a tradition for celebrating Shrove Tuesday.
  • Some Canadian communities have been influenced by the English town of Olney's pancake race, which dates back to 1445. The race involves women running a distance while flipping a pancake in a frying pan. Participants must wear an apron and headscarf, and the winner is awarded a prayer book.
  • In Newfoundland and Labrador, Shrove Tuesday is sometimes called "Festival Day" or "Fiddle Day," and there are unique traditions associated with the day, such as wearing costumes and sporting wooden spoons as a symbol of the day's feasting.

Top things to do in Canada for National Pancake Day

  • Eat pancakes! Catholics and other Christians use Shrove Tuesday to get rid of all sugar, fats and eggs in the house by making pancakes, which not only reduces waste but also temptation.
  • Decide what you will sacrifice for Lent. If you are not Christian or don’t observe Lent, then consider refraining from a habit such as smoking, eating junk food or buying fast food.
  • Celebrate Festival du Voyageur: In Winnipeg, Shrove Tuesday is associated with the Festival du Voyageur, a 10-day festival celebrating the fur-trading era and French-Canadian culture.
  • Read a book such as:
    Shrove Tuesday: A Night of Feasting. A Day of Fasting - by Scott Winchester

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