Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday Quick Facts in Canada

AKA NamePassion Sunday
Related Hashtags#HolyWeek
2025 DateApril 13, 2025
2026 DateMarch 29, 2026

Palm Sunday

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Palm Sunday History

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. In essence, it celebrates the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem before his crucifixion and resurrection. Key aspects of this day involve processions with palm branches, symbolizing the ones that were spread in Christ's path as he entered the city. Services often include readings of the Passion story and a mass, while many individuals also commemorate the day by receiving crosses made from palm fronds, which are considered tokens of peace and victory.

Dating back to the earliest centuries of the church, Palm Sunday has been observed by Christians worldwide, including those in Canada. The day is deeply tied to Canada's multiculturism, with its diverse Christian community consisting of Roman Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox Christians, and more, each bringing their unique traditions to the observance. Regardless of denominational differences, the day's significance remains intact: the humble entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, his imminent suffering, and ultimate resurrection.

In Canada, Palm Sunday observances often mirror those elsewhere. Churches of various denominations hold processions and other events to mark the day. Special services revolve around reading the Passion narrative from the Gospels and distributing palm leaves, usually fashioned into small crosses. Traditionally, these fronds are saved and burned to create the ashes used in Ash Wednesday services the following year. Canadians observe Palm Sunday at the beginning of Holy Week, the week preceding Easter Sunday, which often falls anytime between late-March and late-April, depending on the ecclesiastical approximation of the March equinox.

Facts about Palm Sunday

  • Crowds of people welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem, throwing their cloaks on his path and waving palm branches (John 12:19, Mark 11:1-11, Matthew 21:1-11). It was similar to the reception that Caesar, the emperor of Rome, would receive. Caesar was considered God amongst Romans, and this event not only underscored Jesus' divinity and kingship, it was an act of treason in Roman society.
  • The colt that Jesus rode on into Jerusalem (Luke 19:28-44) was said to fulfill prophecy from the Old Testament about the Messiah, the savior of Israel. The Old Testament scripture he fulfilled is Zechariah 9:9: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; righteous and having salvation is he, humble and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
  • Palm Sunday is celebrated in virtually every Christian church. It marks Jesus' final entry into Jerusalem before he was persecuted, crucified, and resurrected. The observation occurs toward the end of Lent, a 40-day period of fasting and preparation meant to create reflection on Christ's suffering. Palm Sunday is traditionally the beginning of Holy Week, which includes Holy Thursday and Good Friday services, as well as Easter Vigil services on Saturday and Easter Sunday.
  • In Quebec, one of the oldest and most sizeable Catholic populations in Canada, Palm Sunday, known as "Dimanche des Rameaux", is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Many Quebecois attend Mass on this day. They often bring home the blessed palms and place them in a significant spot, such as behind a holy picture or statue.
  • In some areas in Canada, children are taught to fold the pussy willow branches into crosses to remember the crucifixion of Jesus.

Top things to do in Canada for Palm Sunday

  • Offer somebody a palm as an act of reconciliation or forgiveness. It is a common tradition among many Italian Catholics.
  • Visit the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Toronto: They host a special Palm Sunday service that concludes with the blessing and distribution of palms and willow branches.
  • Host Family Events: Various communities might hold family oriented events such as crafts, games and other activities related to the occasion.


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