420 Day

420 Day Quick Facts in the US

AKA Name420, National Weed Day, National Marijuana Day
HashtagsCompiled on#420day
Related Hashtags#420
2025 DateApril 20, 2025
2026 DateApril 20, 2026

420 Day

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420 Day History

420 Day is a counterculture holiday that celebrates the use of marijuana. This day aims to promote the responsible use of marijuana while also advocating for its legalization. Typically events and festivals are held in celebration of the day.

420 Day is believed to have been started by a group of Californian high school students. It’s said that they came up with the name 4:20 Louis for their plan to find a marijuana field shown on a treasure map. The plan was to meet at 4:20 p.m. Eventually, 4:20 spread as a term to mean marijuana use in general and a popular time to consume it. Thus, April 20 (4/20 in the U.S. format) became a day of celebration.

Facts about 420 Day

  • The oldest marijuana stash ever found is believed to be 2,700 years old. Two pounds of the dried plant were uncovered in an ancient tomb in the Gobi Desert in northwest China. The stash was buried along with a shaman.
  • Marijuana has pain-relieving properties and can be used to treat the symptoms of certain medical conditions such as cancer and HIV/AIDS.
  • According to CFAH, it is estimated that by the end of 2022, 55 million Americans will have consumed marijuana.
  • According to MJ Biz, Combined medical and recreational cannabis sales in the U.S. could reach $33 billion by the end of 2022.
  • As of 2022, marijuana is legal for recreational use in 21 states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.

Top things to do in the US for 420 Day

  • Inform yourself on the reality of marijuana's dangers and benefits.
  • If you are in Miami, mark the date for the Bhang Caribbean Cannabis Cruise. It's designed to bring together people that share an interest in marijuana. There's no marijuana consumption on board but there will be Cannabis-related informative events and the typical amenities of a cruise.
  • Find out about rallies and participate if you feel strongly about the legalization of marijuana in your state.
  • If your state doesn't allow the recreational use of marijuana, you can still celebrate by doing other activities. Many places celebrate the day with raffles or special dishes such as at BrainDead Brewing in Dallas, Texas or at Drinkhouse Fire & Ice in Miami, Florida.


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