Rex Manning Day

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Rex Manning Day Quick Facts

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2025 DateApril 8, 2025
2026 DateApril 8, 2026

Rex Manning Day

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Rex Manning Day History

Rex Manning Day celebrates the fictional music star Rex Manning from the movie Empire Records. Released in 1995, the film focuses on the record store Empire Records and its employee’s attempt to save it from being sold. Washed-up pop idol Rex Manning takes credit for the hype surrounding this holiday as he holds an autograph session at the record store. As the years went by, excitement and adoration grew for the movie and the iconic character. Decades later, Empire Records and Rex Manning continue to be celebrated through internet memes and the playing of Rex Manning’s song, Say no More, Mon Amour.

Rex Manning Day seems to have been started in 2015. It is observed annually on April 8th, a date chosen in memory of musician Kurt Cobain.

Facts about Rex Manning Day

  • The 1995 film Empire Records grossed about $294,000 despite Warner Bros. spending about $10 million on production. According to, the studio was not happy with the end film and thus avoided any sort of promotion for it. The studio even stifled the release to less than 100 theaters.
  • Two songs from the 1995 film Empire Records topped the 100 Billboard charts. The Gin Blossom's Till I Hear It From You reached number 5, and Edwyn Collins’s A Girl Like You reached number 7.
  • The screenwriter of the film Carol Heikkinen slipped an important and symbolic date into the 1995 film. April 8th, the date in which Kurt Cobain’s body was found, is written in one of the drafts. That date can be seen on a flyer attached to a door in the movie. It’s the date Rex Manning is said to make his store-appearance.
  • Although the movie wasn't initially a success and only released in only 87 theaters, "Empire Records" was not a commercial success, but gained a cult following after being released on home video and television.

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