National Pretzel Day

United States
United States

National Pretzel Day Quick Facts

Hashtags#UTZPretzelDay, #NationalPretzelDay, #Pretzelday
2025 DateApril 26, 2025
2026 DateApril 26, 2026

National Pretzel Day

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National Pretzel Day History

National Pretzel Day seeks to celebrate the knotted baked pastry. The pretzel is believed to have been created during 7th century to be eaten during lent. They are made using a mixture of water, flour, and salt. There are many toppings or seasonings that can be used including cheeses, sugar, and cinnamon. Pretzels were first brought to the United States by Germans around the year of 1710, more specifically to Pennsylvania. The first ever hard pretzel commercial bakery was created in 1850 by Julius Sturgis, also in Pennsylvania.

National Pretzel Day seems to have been started in 2012 as a promotion for pretzels. It is observed annually April 26th.

Facts about National Pretzel Day

  • According to HowStuffWorks, pretzels were made by hand until 1935 when the first automated pretzel machine was made. It allowed factory bakers to produce about 250 pretzels per minute.
  • The people of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania eat about 12 pounds of pretzels every year compared the US average of 2 pounds.
  • The United States sales about $550 million worth of pretzels each year.
  • The average plain soft pretzel contains about 400 calories. Toppings like cheese or cinnamon can add even more.

Top things to do for National Pretzel Day

  • Visit your local bakery and try some pretzels.
  • Explore the remnants of the Pretzel Museum. Unfortunately the museum closed down, but it was a popular site in historic Philadelphia. The museum was dedicated to pretzels and all the facts and history about them.
  • Make Michael Scott's Pretzel from NBC's The Office. This signature pretzel features many toppings including cinnamon, chocolate, oreos, powderer sugar and more.

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