Eid al Fitr

Eid al Fitr Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameFestival of breaking the fast, The Sugar Feast, Bayram (Bajram), The Lesser Eid
HashtagsCompiled on#EidMubarak
Related Hashtags#Ramadan, #EidAlFitr, #EidulFitr
2025 DateMarch 31, 2025
2026 DateMarch 20, 2026

Eid al Fitr

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Eid-al-Fitr History

Eid al Fitr, often simply referred to as Eid, marks the breaking of the fast, demonstrating a renewal of faith and an opportunity for Muslims to express gratitude to Allah. It exemplifies community spirit, promotes charity and allows for sharing time with family and friends. Cultural delicacies, new clothes, and exchanging gifts are common traditions of Eid.

Eid al Fitr originated under the direction of the prophet Muhammad in 624 CE, following the Ramadan fast. For Muslim American communities, this celebration holds substantial importance as it not only allows individuals to adhere to their religious responsibilities, but also enables cultural practices and traditions to flourish within their American habitat. In essence, Eid represents a unique nexus between Islamic rituals and American diversity, showcasing a harmonious blend of religious observance and cultural vibrancy.

In America, Eid al Fitr commences after the sighting of the new moon, which marks the start of the month of Shawwal in the Islamic calendar. While the specific dates vary each year, the celebration usually begins with a special prayer held in the morning in congregational prayer spaces or open grounds. This is followed by festive meals, charitable activities, family gatherings, and sharing of gifts. The observance of Eid al Fitr is a vivid demonstration of how religious diversity can be harmoniously integrated into the fabric of American society, contributing to its rich, multicultural tapestry.

Facts about Eid al Fitr

  • Prophet Muhammad asked the Muslims of Madinah about two carnivals that they used to engage in. They replied that before Islam, celebrating by setting up grand carnivals was traditional. It is reported that Muhammad said, Instead of those two days, Allah has appointed two other days which are better, the days of Eid-al-Fitr and Eid-al-Adha. (Book of Hadith).
  • In accordance with Islamic tradition, many Muslims wake up extra early on Eid-al-Fitr to take a bath, called ghusl. They also wear the best clothing they own.
  • For Eid-al-Fitr it is customary to eat breakfast before prayer (unlike Eid al Adha). It is the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad to eat something sweet.
  • Every single month in the Islamic calendar begins when the new moon is sighted. Eid-al-Fitr begins when the new moon of Shawwal (10th month of the Islamic calendar) appears. Because the moon appears on different dates in different parts of the world, many Muslim communities celebrate Eid-al-Fitr on whatever day this occurs in Mecca.
  • Unlike regular prayers, Eid prayers do not begin with an adhan or a call to prayer. The format for Eid-al-Fitr prayer is quite different from those of the daily prayers.

Top things to do in the US for Eid-al-Fitr

  • In Islamic South Asian communities, sheer khorma is typically made for breakfast. Sheer khorma is a sweet milky dish with broken vermicelli pasta, dried fried dates, and roasted nuts.
  • Women often decorate their hands with beautiful henna designs on Eid-al-Fitr. In the United States, many Islamic centers have henna booths set up on the last night of Ramadan.
  • The prayer of Eid-al-Fitr, like the prayer of Eid al Adha, begins with a sermon. During this sermon, the Imam encourages Muslims to do good deeds and be responsible citizens. After prayer, Muslims hug all people around them and say Eid Mubarak, which is a way of saying, Congratulations. The words Eid Mubarak translate to Eid Blessings.

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