World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day Quick Facts in the US

2025 DateMarch 30, 2025
2026 DateMarch 30, 2026

World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day in

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World Bipolar Day History

World Bipolar Day seeks to raise awareness about bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, and activity levels. This day aims to promote acceptance through education. It aims to remove stigma and improve sensitivity toward the disorder. According to National Institute of Mental Health, about 5.7 million Americans were affected by bipolar disorder in 2021.

World Bipolar Day was established in 2015 by several organizations: the Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder, the International Bipolar Foundation, and the International Society for Bipolar Disorders. It is observed annually on March 30.

Facts about World Bipolar Day

  • According to the ISBD, in 2024, there are 60 million people worldwide affected by Bipolar Disorder.
    According to SingleCare, in 2022, 46 million people around the world have bipolar disorder with 2.8% belonging to the United States.
  • There are several types of bipolar disorder. Bipolar 1 is characterized by one or more manic episodes that last at least a week and may require hospitalization. Bipolar 2 is characterized by more depressive episodes. Cyclothymia is a milder form of bipolar disorder characterized by varying levels of mood called hypomania. It can last for years and occurs with less intense depressive episodes.
  • According to Mental Health America, 1 in 5 people diagnosed with bipolar disorder die by suicide. Bipolar depression can become too much to handle, which is why World Bipolar Day advocates so strongly for those affected.

Top things to do in the US for World Bipolar Day

  • Learn more about Bipolar Disorder and how it can affect individuals.
  • Donate to reputable charities or organizations that help those affected by bipolar disorder like the International Bipolar Foundation.
  • Watch a movie that accurately portrays mental illness to better understand how individuals are affected. Here are our suggestions:
    Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
    Of Two Minds (2012)
    Good Will Hunting (1997)

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