Dominican Republic Independence

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2025 DateFebruary 27, 2025
2026 DateFebruary 27, 2026

Dominican Republic Independence

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Dominican Republic Independence History

Dominican Republic Independence Day commemorates its independence from Haiti on February 27, 1844. During Haitian occupation, the secret society La Trinitaria, led by founding Father Juan Pablo Duarte, enacted a coup against its Haitian rulers. The society’s success led to the establishment of the Dominican Republic’s independence. The Dominican Republic would be declared a sovereign state.

Today, Dominican Republic Independence Day honors Juan Pablo Duarte, Ramón Matías Mella, and Francisco del Rosario Sánchez as its founding fathers. It is celebrated annually during the Dominican Republic’s Carnival which takes place the entire month of February. Carnival is a celebration of Dominican culture and identity. Food, drinks, music, and costumes all make up the celebration.

Facts about Dominican Republic Independence

  • The first Dominican flag was designed and created by Maria Trinidad Sanchez. The color blue in the flag, symbolizes God’s blessing over their nation, red meaning their liberators’ blood and the white meaning cross symbolizing their Independence.

  • People can say what they want, but historically, feminism in the Dominican Republic has been extremely strong. I guess the best way of saying it is that no one could have survived what we survived - whether it was first extermination and slavery, then abandonment and erasure, then the series of gunboat two-bit dictatorships, followed by the final apotheosis of dictatorships, the Trujillato. You couldn't survive it without the resistance of this kind of woman - Juano Diaz
  • Dominican Independence Day is celebrated during Carnival which is an annual celebration of Dominican cultural identity and creativity. Each town commemorates independence with the use of costumes and characters. A popular character seen throughout is the Diablo Cojuelo ('limping devil' in English). It symbolizes nefarious early colonizers of the Americas.
  • Republic Dominican was the first place in the America to observe the pre-Lenten carnival custom. Carnivals is celebrated in Santo Domingo since the mid 1500’s and before.
  • The word 'Dominican' means 'God’s sons'. This name is given to them after a group of religious educators who arrived on the island of 'La Hispaniola' when they were still a Spanish colony.

Top things to do for this observance

  • Buy a ticket to the biggest Carnival in Dominican culture El Carnaval de la Vega. This annual festival has it all from music, food, and drinks to colorful and vibrant costumes that represent the island’s traditions and folklore.
  • Mark in your agenda the amazing every Sundays festival of February month, having the variety of concerts with popular singers and a closing parade.
  • Don't forget to celebrate unique festivals such as Heritage Day, Creole Day, Market day, the Miss Wob Dwiyet Pageant, and the Ti Matador Competition.

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