Darwin Day

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Darwin Day Quick Facts

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2025 DateFebruary 12, 2025
2026 DateFebruary 12, 2026

Darwin Day

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Darwin Day History

Darwin Day is a global celebration that honors the birthday and life of the eminent biologist, Charles Darwin, known for his ground-breaking contribution to the science of evolution. Established by various educational and scientific institutions, this annual recognition emphasizes the importance of science in our daily lives and inspires a new generation of thinkers.

Darwin Day traces back to 1909, on the 100th anniversary of Darwin's birth when scientists and scholars globally convened to celebrate his contributions. In America, the tradition began in 1995 when molecular and cell biologist Dr. Robert Stephens proposed the establishment of Darwin Day Celebration, an independent, non-profit organization.

The day is typically celebrated by organizing public outreach programs that present Darwin's contributions and achievements in evolutionary biology and emphasize the importance of science in modern society. Debates, symposiums, and dinners are common celebratory events on this day. Darwin's birthday, February 12th, offers people across the globe the opportunity to deeply reflect on the principles of intellectual bravery, perpetual curiosity, and the hunger for truth that form the foundation of scientific discovery.

Facts & quotes about Darwin Day

  • Charles Darwin is most notable for his theory of evolution. Published in 1859, his book On the Origins of Species details his scientific theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a process called natural selection. Natural selection is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  • The phrase, survival of the fittest is commonly attributed to Charles Darwin however, it actually comes from Herbert Spencer's, Principles of Biology. It was published in 1864, 5 years after Charles Darwin's influential book.
  • A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life - Charles Darwin 1836, in a letter to his sister.
  • A number of well-known scientists support the recognition of Darwin Day, including evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins and physicist Lawrence Krauss.

Top things to do for Darwin Day

  • Participate in an event commemorating Charles Darwin and his work. Browse local events near you.
  • Watch informational videos explaining evolutionary theory to learn more about evolution and its processes.
  • Learn more about the theory of evolution with scientists like Gregor Mendel, Theodosius Dobzhansky, E. B. Ford, and Richard Lewontin. All have committed themselves to better understanding and communicating evolution.
  • Watch a film about Charles Darwin and his efforts to explain evolution. Here are our suggestions:
    Creation (2009)
    Charles Darwin and the Tree of Life (2009)
    The Darwin Adventures (1972)

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