Internet Friends Day

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Internet Friends Day Quick Facts

2025 DateFebruary 13, 2025
2026 DateFebruary 13, 2026

Internet Friends Day

Internet Friends Day in

Top X Posts (formerly Tweets) for Internet Friends Day


Internet Friends Day History

Internet Friends Day is dedicated to honoring friendships formed through digital platforms. As a distinct product of our modern era, this day enables us to show appreciation for the companionship we receive through various online mediums; our friendships that have been nurtured, grown, and established on the world wide web.

Though there is no specific historical background tied to the emergence of Internet Friends Day, its inception is intricately linked to the advent of the internet. Online gaming networks, forums, chat rooms, and social media platforms, have all contributed to an online environment that encourages bonds to form between individuals who may never meet in person. This special day is a recognition of these powerful connections and the impact they have on our lives.

The primary aspects of Internet Friends Day are centered around the initiation of online friendships, their maintenance and their celebration. The day encourages people to reach out to their internet friends, affirming these important relationships through messages, tweets, or virtual gifts. While the celebration is often marked by personally interacting with online friends, it also serves as a reminder of the global reach the internet has in forming these unexpected friendships. Internet Friends Day is celebrated annually on February 13th, just prior to Valentine's Day.

Facts about Internet Friends Day

  • According to Forbes, in 2023, there were more than 5 billion social media users around the world.
  • Some of the most popular social networking platforms in the U.S as of 2024:
    1) Youtube - 240-250 million users monthly
    2) Facebook - 200 million users monthly
    3) Instagram - 150 - 160 million users monthly
    4) TikTok 100 - 110 million users monthly
    5) Snapchat - 95 - 105 million users monthly
  • According to, the average user visits six to seven different social media every month.
  • For those who feel isolated due to their environment, circumstances, or personal struggles, having internet friends can be a source of comfort and companionship.

Top things to do for Internet Friends Day

  • Join a social hub and make some friends. Social media platforms like Facebook have interest focused groups. Find one that interests you and make some friends.
  • Celebrate and appreciate your online friends. Check on your friends and make sure they know you appreciate them.
  • Watch a movie about online friendship and how it can blossom. Here are our suggestions:
    Must Love Dogs (2005)
    Eurotrip (2004)
    You've Got Mail (1998)

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