Persian New Year

Persian New Year Quick Facts in the US

AKA NameNowruz, Iranian New Year
Related Hashtags#Nowruz
2025 DateMarch 20, 2025
2026 DateMarch 20, 2026

Persian New Year

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Persian New Year History

Persian New Year, also known as Nowruz, celebrates the first day of spring and the rebirth of nature, and is one of the most important national events among Persians. The Observance is not just a simple festival, it's wrapped with a number of longstanding traditions and various customs that reflect a distinct cultural richness. People spend weeks cleaning their homes (a practice called "khane tekani"), while shopping for new clothes and preparing special meals in anticipation. It is a time of renewal and revival, with festivities that typically last for 13 days.

The Nowruz tradition traces back some 3,000 years to the time of the Persian Empire and it remains a sacred festivity in the Iranian calendar. The essence of Nowruz is more than a national festival; it is a complex of rituals that convey Persian cultural values and the ideals of a happy, healthy life. This multi-faceted holiday can resonate with Americans' familiar concepts of New Year's resolutions and spring cleaning, providing an opportunity for common ground and increased cultural understanding.

In America, Persian New Year is celebrated by Iranian Americans, complete with all the rich traditions and customs. The occasion typically involves gatherings of friends and family members, the sharing of traditional foods, and exchange of gifts. In terms of the date, Nowruz aligns with the equinox, marking the beginning of spring, which usually happens on March 20 or 21 depending on the local time zone in America.

Facts about Persian New Year

  • The oldest records of Nowruz go back to 247 B.C during the Arsacid/Parthian times. Today it is celebrated in Afghanistan, Georgia, Albania, Iran, Iraq, India, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, and Kyrgyzstan.
  • Khane taken, which means house-cleaning, is an Iranian custom in preparation for the new year. Families will begin cleaning their homes weeks ahead of the new year.
  • On Nowruz, focus is placed on seven items. These items all start with the Persian letter س (sin) or S. They are placed on the haft-seen table as a tradition of Zoroastrianism. They are:
    1) Seeb (apples) - symbols of health and beauty
    2) Senjed (dried oleaster berries) - wisdom and rebirth
    3) Samanu (wheat pudding) - strength and justice
    4) Somaq (sumac) - patience
    5) Serkeh (vinegar) - age
    6) seer (garlic) - cleanses body and environment
    7) Sabzeh (wheat, barley, lentils) - rejuvenation and new life
  • The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year, but rather that we should have a new soul - G.K. Chesterton

Top things to do in the US for Persian New Year's Day

  • Enjoy traditional foods like sumalak. Sumalak is a thick pudding made from wheatgrass. It is typically prepared for 24 hours ahead of time. Women sing folk songs while they prepare huge pots of the pudding.
  • Some other traditional dishes you can try include sabzi poli mahi, which is rice and herbs served with fish, and ash reshteh, which is a thick soup with noodles and beans.
  • Partake in the custom of Chaharshanbeh Soori, the symbolic burning of all that was negative from the previous year. It is custom to jump over bonfires in the streets while shouting Give me your red color, take my yellow color. This symbolizes how the fire will take away the yellow of sickness and give back the red of health and warmth.
  • Watch the documentary A Splash of Nowruz (2014) to see how some people celebrate the Persian New Year.

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