International Day of Education

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International Day of Education

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International Day of Education History

International Day of Education seeks to emphasize the significant role of education as a human right, a public good, and enabler of personal development and social progress. An agenda led by the United Nations, it underscores the fact that everyone, regardless of socio-economic status, should have access to quality learning opportunities. This commemoration calls for a more inclusive, equitable, and quality education that helps in reducing gender, economic, and digital divides while also contributing towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The United Nations General Assembly announced the International Day of Education on December 3, 2018, acknowledging that inclusive and equitable quality education plays a pivotal role in achieving their 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The concept resonates strongly with the long-standing American principle that similar to other fundamental rights, education too, should be accessible to all, irrespective of their identity or background. The United Nations and America share a mutual commitment to enhancing the quality of learning by facing challenges like inadequate infrastructure, lack of trained teachers, and disparities based on gender, urban/rural location, and other circumstances.

In the United States, International Day of Education is a time to reflect, act, and mobilize. Activities encompass discussions, seminars, and social and digital campaigns that advocate for equal access to quality education. Participants involve not only educational institutions and non-profits, but also individuals who are willing to constructively engage in this initiative. The United States observes International Day of Education on January 24, the same day as the global community, reaffirming its commitment as a steadfast participant in global education development.

Facts about International Day of Education

  • The theme for International Day of Education in 2024 was Learning for lasting peace. In 2023, the theme was to invest in people, prioritize education.
  • According to Article 26 of the U.N's Universal Declaration of Human Rights, everyone has the right to education. Article 26 goes further and states that education shall be free at the elementary and fundamental stage. It also states that higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
  • Around 262 million children and youth still do not attend school, according to statistics from the United Nations. The day is aimed at advocating for quality education and equal access to education for all.
  • Education decreases the risk of poverty. According to a study by the Brookings Institution, the chances of spending a year in poverty are just 4% for those with a college degree.

Top things to do in the US for International Day of Education

  • Thank your local educators and teachers by donating to their school supply wish lists. According to the National Center for Education, the average salary of U.S teachers during the 2018-2019 school year was $61,730. Most teachers provide their own resources and supplies, so be sure to help your local teachers and educators if you can.
  • Go back to school! According to a 2017 Champlain College online survey, 73% of respondents wanted to return to college to increase their earning potential.
  • Donate to reputable charities or organizations that help those in need receive the education they deserve. Some examples include the Art of Problem Solving Initiative and

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