National Pie Day

National Pie Day Quick Facts in the US

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National Pie Day

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National Pie Day History

National Pie Day seeks to promote the sweet and savory pastries. Pie is a baked dish made from pastry dough. It can be filled with fruits or meats and comes in a variety of sizes. Pies are often distinguished by their crusts which can define how the pie will be filled.

National Pie Day was first observed in the mid-1970s when Charlie Papazian declared his own birthday to be National Pie Day. Today, pie is enjoyed all around the world with different types and flavors depending on region. The American Pie Council even organizes an annual National Pie Championship for amateur and professional pie makers. National Pie Day is observed annually on January 23rd.

Facts about National Pie Day

  • The first pies were made by early Romans who would use reeds or meats and fish's as a pie shell filling.

  • Based on research by Instacart in 2022, the overall most popular pie in the U.S. was the Apple Pie. Pumpkin Pie and Pecan Pie were also favorited.
  • The phrase, as easy as pie, has been in the English language since the 19th century. It was first published in 1855 by Garrett and Company. At the time, the phrase used was, as nice as pie, but it was later changed to the more known, as easy as pie.
  • According to the American Pie Council, the first recorded pie recipe was published by the Romans. The recipe was for a rye-crusted goat cheese and honey pie.

Top things to do in the US for National Pie Day

  • Visit your local bakery and check out what kind of pies they're offering. There might be special deals for National Pie Day.
  • Try baking your own pie. Explore twenty different recipes and find one that interests you.
  • Host a pie eating contest! Invite some friends over and see who can finish the most pies.

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