Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

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Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

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Law Enforcement Appreciation Day History

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day stands as an occasion for American citizens to express gratitude for the men and women who serve their communities as police officers, sheriffs, state troopers, and other forms of local and federal law enforcers. It is a day designed to celebrate these individuals and the often challenging role they play in maintaining order, upholding justice, and ensuring community safety.

This annual observance was first established by the National Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S) organization and spearheaded by various other law enforcement agencies in 2015. The idea behind creating a special day was to acknowledge the difficult work police officers do on a daily basis, and to honor the officers who have lost their lives or been injured in the line of service.

Various events and activities including rallies, ceremonies, and neighborhood meet and greets are typically organized on this day to show support to law enforcement officers. All across the nation, people don blue, send letters of appreciation, or simply thank an officer to acknowledge their efforts. Law Enforcement Appreciation Day is observed nationwide every year on January 9th.

Facts about Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

  • According to the National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum, In 2022, there were more than 800,000 sworn police officers serving in the United States. Approximately 12.8% were female.
  • According to a study by Wallet Hub, in 2024, the best states to be a cop are:
    1) California
    2) Illinois
    3) Connecticut
  • According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 136 officers died on duty in 2023 in the United States, which is a decrease compared to 224 in 2022. Mostly thye died in firearms related encounters and traffic accidents.
  • The Public Safety Officer Medal of Valor is the highest honor that can be awarded to a public safety officer in the United States. The awardees are posted here.

Top things to do for this observance

  • In 1989, during the holiday season, Dolly Craig put two blue candles in her living room window. The purpose was to commemorate her son-in-law, Daniel Gleason, who died in the line of duty, and her daughter, Daniel's wife, who died in a car accident in 1989. The idea was adopted by C.O.P.S (Concerns of Police Survivors) under the name Project Blue Light. You can take part by placing a blue light on your window during the holiday season to commemorate fallen officers.
  • Watch a police movie that depicts positive police roles. Our picks: Donnie Brasco (1997), The Departed (2006), Se7en (1995), and Hot Fuzz (2007).
  • If you see a law enforcement officer, thank them for their service.

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