AKA Name | La Saint Jean |
Hashtags | #SaintJeanBaptiste, #StJeanBaptiste |
2023 Date | June 24, 2023 |
2024 Date | June 24, 2024 |
![]() Saint Jean Baptiste HistorySt. Jean Baptiste day commemorates the life of John the Baptist, a Jewish preacher who baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. He is a symbol of French-Canadian pride and heritage. As Christianity spread through France, celebrations for the summer solstice began to merge with Saint John the Baptist's feast day. French Colonists brought this celebration to Canada however it did not catch on immediately. In 1834, Montreal Saint Patrick's Day celebrations inspired a man named Ludger Duvernay to create a similar celebration for French Canadians. In 1843, he established the Saint John the Baptist Society to promote the day's festive celebrations. In 1880, the Saint John the Baptist Society organized a National Congress of French Canadians. In 1925, St. John the Baptist Day, known as Saint Jean-Baptiste Day, was recognized as a provincial holiday in the province of Quebec. In the years that followed, the celebration focused less on St. John's feast day and more on the identity and culture of French Canadians. This eventually led the Quebec Government to declare Saint Jean-Baptiste Day as the Quebec National Holiday in 1977. It is an annual statutory holiday that is observed on June 24. Top Tweets for Saint Jean BaptisteUpdated
Saint Jean Baptiste Facts & Quotes
Saint Jean Baptiste Top Events and Things to Do
Saint Jean Baptiste References and Related SitesAlexander J. Burke: John the Baptist: Prophet and Disciple (St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2006), La Republique Libre: La Saint Jean Montreal Gazette: Why Celebrate La Saint Jean |